Theta Alpha exists as a ministry to glorify God on college campuses by encouraging sisters to grow in their relationship with the Lord and equipping them for their mission in the world. Theta Alpha’s sisterhood strives to establish unity among its members through a shared faith in Jesus Christ and His teachings.

Who Are We?
Theta Alpha is a Christian ministry in the form of a sorority. This means we are structured as a sorority but our goals are ministry focused. We have some Greek structured events such as socials, formals, recruitment, rush events, big/little relationships, and weekly Chapter meetings.
However, these things are all for the glory of God and are rooted firmly in the foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our socials and formals are focused on uplifting Christian fellowship with our brothers and sisters in other Christian Greek organizations.
Our History
Theta Alpha was established in the spring of 2006 by women who envisioned a ministry that was closely structured to traditional Greek sororities, but whose foundation was set upon the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was founded at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. Currently, we have chapters in at the University of Central Florida in Orlando (Delta Chapter) and at the University of Florida in Gainesville (Beta Chapter).
We hope in the future that more chapters will open, and we can expand our sisterhood!

What Do We Do?
Throughout each semester, we involve ourselves in various activities such as accountability groups, retreats, prayer nights, socials and formals, philanthropy nights, and big sister/little sister pairings. Each activity we do strengthens our relationships as sisters, along with our relationships with God.